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How do I enable voice recognition and text-to-speech for my chatbot?

Find out how your visitors can interact with your chatbot using their voice.

Enabling voice recognition and text-to-speech for your chatbot is very easy and will enable your visitors to interact with your chatbot hands free ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

To enable voice recognition, go to Settings > Advanced Settings

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Here you can enable the following options:

  • Enable Speech Recognition - If this is enabled, your visitors can click on the microphone icon in your chatbot to speak to your bot and ask a question. The bot will respond with a text and audio answer. The bot will use the default language that your visitors browser is set to for the voice recognition.
  • Enable Text to Speech - Your visitors will see a โ€œPlayโ€ button underneath each text answer that they can click to hear an audio version of the answer.
  • Speech Services Language - You can select the default language to use for your chatbotโ€™s audio responses.
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