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How to add a ChatGPT chatbot to Studio

How to add your custom ChatGPT trained chatbot to your Studio website.

You want to embed your custom trained chatbot in your Studio website page. Here's how to add ChatGPT to Studio with SiteSpeakAI.

Add your chatbot to your Studio website

In SiteSpeakAI

Select your chatbot from the dropdown menu at the top, click on the Install Chatbot section in the sidebar, select iFrame and then click on the Copy Code button to copy your code snippet. 0 - Studio - copy iFrame code.png

In Studio

  1. Log into your Studio account and on your dashboard, hover over the project you want to add your widget to and select Design Editor 0.5 - Studio - dashboard.png

  2. Your project will now be opened in edit mode with the default page displayed

Please Note: Studio doesn’t allow adding the chatbot button using the JavaScript snippet, but we can create a popup Modal page that contains the SiteSpeakAI chatbot dialogue iframe code (as copied at the beginning of this tutorial) and link this to a button on the webpage.

Let’s create the Modal page.

  1. Select the Pages option in the left sidebar 1 - Studio - select Pages.png

  2. On the Pages tab, click on Add to add a page. This allows you to add Regular and Dynamic Pages, Regular and Dynamic Modals, Redirect Pages, Search Pages and Password Pages. For our purpose we will choose a Regular Modal page. 2 - Studio - select Add.png

  3. Select Modal (Regular) 3 - Studio - select Modal (Regular).png

  4. The blank Modal page will now be listed under Pages 4 - Studio - Modal (Regular) created displaying the Box on your page.png

  5. Select Add and drag the Embed Blank </> box into the Modal page 5 - Studio - select the Add tab and drag the Embed Blank box into the Modal Box.png

  6. Insert your iframe code that you copied at the start into the </> Custom box. You will see the chatbot being displayed in the Embed Box on the Modal page - we will resize this in the next steps 6 - Studio - iframe displayed in the Modal Box.png

  7. The actual iframe size is width=450px and height = 600px. Set the Modal page size to match the iframe size as set in the iframe code attributes 7 - Studio -set the Modal size to match the iframe size as set in the iframe code attributes.png

  8. Select the Embed Box containing the iframe and set the size to fill the Modal page 8 - Studio -set the iframe (the Embed Box) size to fill the Modal Box.png

  9. Select the Modal page settings option 9 - Studio -click on the Modal settings option.png

  10. Enable the Use Path setting 10 - Studio - enable the Use Path setting.png

We are now going to add a Button to your webpage that will display the popup Modal page containing your chatbot dialogue. The best place will be to add the button to the page footer. If you don’t have a page footer you can add it now (this is not in the scope of this tutorial, please check the Studio documents on how to add a footer).

  1. Select the Page you want to add your chatbot to 11 - Studio -select the page you want to add your chatbot to.png

  2. Drag a Box onto your page footer 12 - Studio - drag a Box onto your page footer.png

  3. Drag a Button into the Box 13 - Studio - drag a Button into the Box on your page footer.png

Please note: The buttons used in Studio can’t display an icon so we will add appropriate text to the button. In our case we added Support. 14 - Studio - change the Button text.png

  1. To change the size, margin, padding, shape and fill colour of the button, select the button box and use the attributes in the top menu to make your changes. In our case we have changed the default black button colour to a colour that matches the webpage 15 - Studio - change the Button appearance.png

  2. To enable the Modal to be activated when clicking on your button, you must link the Modal you created to the Box containing the button 16 - Studio - link the Modal to the Box.png

  3. Select Live Preview to preview view your webpage 17 - Studio - Select Live Preview.png

  4. Voila! Here is your button on your live page! 18 - Studio - Voila! Here is your Button.png

  5. If you click on the button it will display the chatbot dialogue 19 - Studio - Ready to use your chatbot.png

Your chatbot is now added to your Studio website and your customers can start interacting with it!

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