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How to add ChatGPT to Wix

How to add your custom ChatGPT trained chatbot to your Wix website.

You want to embed your custom trained chatbot in your Wix website. Here’s how to add ChatGPT to Wix with SiteSpeakAI.

Please note! Adding your chatbot to your Wix website is achieved by adding the code snippet to you website code page, i.e. in the Head part of your webpage. This can only be done using one of the Premium subscription plans. Your WIX website must also be published and connected to a domain.

Add your chatbot to your Wix website

In SiteSpeakAI

Select your chatbot from the dropdown menu at the top, click on the Install Chatbot section in the sidebar, then click on the Copy Code button to copy your code snippet.

Install Screen.png

In Wix

  1. Add a new Element

WIX - Add a new element_2.png

  1. Select the Embed Code element and then the Custom Code tool under Marketing Integration Tools

WIX - Add the Custom Code Element_2.png

  1. Select Add Code in the Head part of the Custom Code dialogue

WIX - Custom Code Modal_2.png

  1. Paste your chatbot code snippet into the Add Custom Code modal (Add a name to make it easier to identify if you have more than one set of Custom Code added to you website). You can also select to display it on a specific page or on all pages

  2. Click on Apply when done

WIX - Custom Code Entry_2.png

  1. Save your website changes and hit Publish. Note that Previewing your site will not display your chatbot

WIX - Publish Site_2.png

  1. The chatbot button will now be displayed on your Wwebsite

Wix - Chatbot Button.PNG

  1. Your customers can start interacting with it

Wix - Chatbot Dialogue.PNG

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