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How do I train my chatbot on content from my Bookstack wiki?

Find out how you can use content from your Bookstack wiki to train your chatbot to answer your visitor questions.

If you're using Bookstack to host your wiki or other information, you can easily connect this content to your chatbot for training. This means your chatbot will be able to use the public (or private) information in your wiki to respond to your visitor questions.

To enable the Bookstack integration, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Training & Sources in the sidebar for your chatbot.
  2. Select Add Sources and then Apps (or, if this is a new chatbot, simply select Apps under Training & Sources.

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  1. Click on Connect Bookstack

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  1. Enter your Wiki URL (this should be in this format exactly: Also enter your Access Token and Token Secret. You can find more information about obtaining your Bookstack access token here:

Note: Please make sure the API user has the "Access System API" permission enabled on one of their assigned roles. This will ensure SiteSpeak can retrieve information from your Bookstack wiki.

  1. Click Save

Your chatbot will now check Bookstack for any new or updated pages and train itself on the content. SiteSpeakAI will check for new and updated content on Bookstack every hour.

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