Your website was scored 57% by AI 😐

I used AI and some SEO best practices to analyze 10 pages from to determine how easily it can be discovered and ranked by AI powered search engines in the future. Here are some questions I asked your website, and how it answered. You can also ask your own questions.


Question AI asked your website:

What sort of information can I find on this blog?

Answer your website gave:

¡Hola! En este blog, podemos encontrar información sobre las cuentas remuneradas en España. Se exploran conceptos como:

  • Definición y funcionamiento: Qué son las cuentas remuneradas y cómo funcionan, incluyendo detalles sobre tasas de interés y capitalización de intereses.
  • Ventajas y desventajas: Se discuten aspectos como la seguridad, accesibilidad, flexibilidad y rendimiento superior, así como las tasas de interés variables y condiciones específicas que pueden aplicarse.
  • Uso de calculadoras: Se menciona la importancia de utilizar una calculadora de cuenta remunerada para comparar ofertas, hacer proyecciones personalizadas y planificar financieramente.
  • Consejos para elegir la mejor cuenta: Se ofrecen recomendaciones sobre cómo investigar tasas de interés, revisar condiciones, y considerar la reputación del banco.

Además, hay herramientas y calculadoras financieras que pueden ser útiles para los ahorradores. Si quieres más detalles, puedes visitar el blog aquí: Calculadora de Cuenta Remunerada.

URLs used to determine answer:

Reason why your website got this score:

The answer provides a detailed overview of the information available on the blog, focusing on accounts remunerated in Spain. It covers definitions, functioning, advantages and disadvantages, the use of calculators, and tips for choosing the best account. The inclusion of a link to a calculator adds value. However, the answer could be improved by briefly mentioning other topics or categories covered on the blog.

Here are some recommendations to improve your score:

To improve the answer, consider briefly mentioning other topics or categories covered on the blog, in addition to accounts remunerated. This will give a more comprehensive overview of the content available and make it more appealing to a wider audience interested in financial topics.


Question AI asked your website:

Please provide an overview of what this blog is about.

Answer your website gave:

Este blog se centra en las cuentas remuneradas en España, explicando qué son, cómo funcionan, y sus ventajas y desventajas. Las cuentas remuneradas ofrecen tasas de interés más altas que las cuentas de ahorro convencionales, permitiendo a los ahorradores obtener un rendimiento atractivo sobre sus depósitos. El artículo también destaca la importancia de utilizar una calculadora de cuenta remunerada para maximizar los rendimientos, permitiendo a los usuarios comparar ofertas, hacer proyecciones personalizadas y planificar financieramente. Además, se ofrecen consejos sobre cómo elegir la mejor cuenta remunerada, considerando factores como tasas de interés, condiciones, reputación del banco y comisiones. En resumen, el blog es una guía completa para quienes buscan una forma segura y accesible de hacer crecer su dinero a través de cuentas remuneradas.

URLs used to determine answer:

Reason why your website got this score:

The answer provides a detailed overview of what the blog is about, focusing on accounts remunerated in Spain, how they work, their advantages and disadvantages, and the importance of using a remunerated account calculator. It also offers tips on choosing the best account. However, the answer could be improved with more specific examples or case studies to make it more engaging and actionable for readers.

Here are some recommendations to improve your score:

To improve the answer, consider adding specific examples or case studies of successful strategies or experiences with remunerated accounts. This will make the content more engaging and practical for readers, helping them better understand how to apply the information provided in the blog.

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Question AI asked your website:

How do I subscribe to this blog?

Answer your website gave:

I'm sorry, I'm not able to find an answer to your question.

Reason why your website got this score:

The answer provided is completely irrelevant and does not address the question at all. It does not help the user in any way.

Here are some recommendations to improve your score:

Ensure that your content includes a clear and concise explanation of how users can subscribe to your blog. Provide step-by-step instructions or a subscription form to make it easy for visitors to subscribe.


Question AI asked your website:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Answer your website gave:

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta iusto reprehenderit eveniet voluptatibus temporibus nobis amet. Distinctio adipisci recusandae nobis numquam earum.

URLs used to determine answer:

Reason why your website got this score:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Tempora voluptatibus neque, ut corrupti eaque placeat, praesentium, expedita beatae iste ullam aspernatur necessitatibus distinctio minima! Itaque enim aliquid a libero porro?

Here are some recommendations to improve your score:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium, quae debitis veniam vero, odio quas optio nisi, aspernatur fugit autem dicta? Nemo reiciendis quas, corrupti sed delectus similique inventore? Laudantium.

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