Your website was scored 58% by AI 😐

I used AI and some SEO best practices to analyze 9 pages from to determine how easily it can be discovered and ranked by AI powered search engines in the future. Here are some questions I asked your website, and how it answered. You can also ask your own questions.


Question AI asked your website:

What are the main benefits of using this service?

Answer your website gave:

De belangrijkste voordelen van hypnotherapie zijn:

  • Innerlijke rust: Je vindt rust, zelfs als je hoofd nooit stil lijkt te staan.
  • Vergroten van zelfvertrouwen: Je leert jezelf te accepteren zoals je bent.
  • Loslaten van angsten: Je kunt angsten en onzekerheden loslaten die je tegenhouden.
  • Doorbreken van patronen: Je doorbreekt vastgeroeste patronen en perfectionisme.
  • Herstellen van energie: Je vindt je energie en levenslust terug.
  • Vrijheid en verbinding: Je ervaart vrijheid en verbinding met jezelf.

Hypnotherapie helpt je om diepgewortelde blokkades los te laten, zodat je leven lichter voelt en je met vertrouwen vooruit kunt gaan.

Voor meer informatie kun je hier klikken.

URLs used to determine answer:

Reason why your website got this score:

The answer provides a detailed list of the main benefits of hypnotherapy, addressing inner peace, self-confidence, releasing fears, breaking patterns, restoring energy, freedom, and connection. The answer also includes a call-to-action link for more information. However, the answer could be improved by providing specific examples or case studies of how these benefits have positively impacted clients.

Here are some recommendations to improve your score:

To improve the answer, consider adding specific examples or case studies showcasing how hypnotherapy has helped individuals achieve inner peace, increased self-confidence, overcome fears, break patterns, restore energy, and experience freedom and connection. This would make the benefits more tangible and relatable to potential clients.


Question AI asked your website:

How much does this service cost?

Answer your website gave:

I'm sorry, I'm not able to find an answer to your question.

URLs used to determine answer:

Reason why your website got this score:

The answer provided does not address the question at all, resulting in a very low score. It does not provide any information related to the cost of the service.

Here are some recommendations to improve your score:

To improve the answer, provide specific details about the cost of the service. This could include pricing packages, pricing ranges, or any additional fees associated with the service. Make sure the answer is clear and directly addresses the question asked.

Share Your Score

I'm a solo founder, bootstrapping this service. Every share helps!


Question AI asked your website:

How do I contact support for this service?

Answer your website gave:

To contact support for this service, you can reach out via the following details:

Feel free to get in touch for any questions or to schedule a free intake conversation!

URLs used to determine answer:

Reason why your website got this score:

The answer provides clear contact information for reaching support for the service, including phone and email details. It also encourages reaching out for questions or scheduling a conversation. However, the answer could be improved by including additional contact methods such as a contact form on the website and specifying support hours for quicker assistance.

Here are some recommendations to improve your score:

To improve the answer, consider adding a contact form on the website for easy communication. Additionally, specify support hours for faster assistance and provide alternative contact methods such as live chat or social media messaging for a more comprehensive support experience.


Question AI asked your website:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Answer your website gave:

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta iusto reprehenderit eveniet voluptatibus temporibus nobis amet. Distinctio adipisci recusandae nobis numquam earum.

URLs used to determine answer:

Reason why your website got this score:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Tempora voluptatibus neque, ut corrupti eaque placeat, praesentium, expedita beatae iste ullam aspernatur necessitatibus distinctio minima! Itaque enim aliquid a libero porro?

Here are some recommendations to improve your score:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium, quae debitis veniam vero, odio quas optio nisi, aspernatur fugit autem dicta? Nemo reiciendis quas, corrupti sed delectus similique inventore? Laudantium.

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