Export your chatbot conversation history to CSV
You can now easily export your chatbots conversation history to CSV to import into other apps.
To export your chatbot's conversations, click on the download button in your Inbox and then click on the Export button to download a formatted CSV.
From the blog

Automate your customer support and marketing with Zapier and SiteSpeakAI
With the power of Zapier's 6000+ available apps and integrations, you can now connect your chatbot to your favorite tools and completely automate every aspect of your customer support and brand marketing.

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Revolutionizing University Engagement with AI Chatbots: A Look at SiteSpeakAI
Explore how universities are leveraging AI chatbots to enhance student engagement and streamline administrative tasks. Discover SiteSpeakAI, a tool that trains chatbots on website content to answer visitor queries.

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