Personalize your welcome messages
You can now personalize your welcome message using a template tag:
{{ first_name | there }}
The tag consists of 2 parts, a identity property, and a fallback. In this example, if the visitor has not been identified, the fallback "there" will be used.
To identify your visitors, just add the following code snippet to your site once you're visitor has logged in:
(_sitespeak = window._sitespeak || []).push(['onReady', onSiteSpeakReady]);
function onSiteSpeakReady() {
sitespeak.identify('123456abcdef', {
'first_name': 'Herman',
'email': ''
This is the first step in some exciting customization options coming soon to SiteSpeakAI to make your chatbots even more personable.
From the blog
Fixing your Image Alt tags and SEO issues with AI
Optimizing your website's SEO can be complex and time-consuming, especially when it comes to image alt tags, title tags, and structured data. Sitetag, an AI-powered SEO tool, makes this process effortless. With just one script tag, Sitetag automatically enhances your website’s SEO elements, ensuring better search visibility and improved user experience—all without the manual work. Ready to simplify your SEO? Discover how Sitetag can transform your site today.
Herman Schutte
Unleashing the Power of AI: Adding a ChatGPT Chatbot to Your Website
An AI chatbot can serve as a dynamic tool to improve your site's user experience by providing instant, accurate responses to your visitors' queries. However, not all chatbots are created equal.
Herman Schutte