Revamped Inbox and Chat History
The Inbox has been completely revamped to make it easier to keep track of new conversations and those that still need to be dealt with. When a user escalates a question or requests support from a human agent, you'll recieve an email notification.
Automate your customer support with AI 👉
From the blog

Create a free GPT chatbot with SiteSpeakAI
Find out how you can easily create a fully customizable GPT-3 (or GPT-4) customer support chatbot for your business for free.

Herman Schutte

Why Are Chatbots a Great Tool for Strategically Using Marketing Automation and AI?
Discover the synergy between chatbots, marketing automation, and AI. Learn how tools like SiteSpeakAI are revolutionizing the way businesses engage with customers and streamline marketing efforts.

Herman Schutte