Official SiteSpeakAI Customer Support Telegram Group
Join our official Customer Support Telegram group to get all your questions about SiteSpeakAI and creating and installing your own custom GPT chatbot or assistant answered.
Join here: Telegram Link
Want your own Telegram bot for your business or website that can assist your customers in real time? Create your free account then check out our step-by-step to create your Telegram bot here:
From the blog

Create an AI version of yourself for your coaching business
Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence is no longer reserved for tech giants or sci-fi enthusiasts. As a coach, what if you could scale your expertise, offering guidance at any hour without extending your workday?

Herman Schutte

Fine-tuning your custom ChatGPT chatbot
Finetuning your custom chatbot is a crucial step in ensuring that it can answer your visitors questions correctly and with the best possible information.

Herman Schutte