Getting Started
Learn everything you need to know about automating your customer support using AI.
What is SiteSpeakAIFind out about SiteSpeakAI.
Who created SiteSpeakAI?Learn about the founder of SiteSpeakAI.
How does SiteSpeakAI work?Learn how SiteSpeakAI works.
How do I create my custom trained ChatGPT chatbot?Learn how to create your first custom trained chatbot.
How do I install SiteSpeakAI on my website?Learn how to install SiteSpeakAI on your website.
Can my visitors escalate a question to human support?Find out how your visitors can escalate questions to human support.
How can I allow my visitors to escalate to human support with my chatbot?Find out how you can set your chatbot to allow your visitors to escalate to human support.
Does SiteSpeakAI have an affiliate program?Find out about our affiliate scheme.
Can I share my chatbot with others?Find out how you can share your custom trained chatbot with others.
How do I enable voice recognition and text-to-speech for my chatbot?Find out how your visitors can interact with your chatbot using their voice.
How can I capture leads with my chatbot?Find out how you can use your chatbot to capture leads.
How can I personalise my welcome message?Find out how you can personalise your chatbot's welcome message with visitor information.